
ToS opening info!





Allright, it's finally here, HYPE! :]

No "BiS"-lists will be used first week. (from now i will call  it PRIO LISTS because it's a more fitting word).
All loot in first week will be rolled MS/OS/TMOG.
All raiders who been in atleast 1 raid ToS will get to make his PRIO LIST here in the forums. After making the list it has to be processed and moved into a spreadsheet with better overview for bosses/loot. You post your LOOT PRIO LIST HERE.

DKP will be reset for ToS launch!
Same DKP rules as before BUT with a few updates:
1) You can no longer match previous bid UNLESS this matches the amount of DKP you currently have.
2) You will loose 5% dkp (minimum 5 dkp) for every raid you miss out. (EG: 5 DKP loss if you have 100 DKP). To reward players who attend regularly and thus adds more value to progression.
3) DKP decay of 5% every week (minimum 5 dkp), to prevent inflation.

Try to read up on all bosses. For every person that reads tactics progress will be smoother and we can easier discuss problems and obstacles instead of standing there dubfaced shouting at low dpsers.
You can find LINKS TO BOSS TACTICS HERE. Minimum you should watch the videos to see what the boss rooms and mechanics looks like.

We're stepping up progress speed now, and to accomplish these we're tightening up some requirements. First of all we expect people who join for progress and get loot to have as close to 100% attendance as possible. So you're top deeps, carrying all the scrubs, yeah?.. Not showing for a raid is 0 dps and that's dead bottom you see. People are expected to start on different levels of skill and gear and all other mattering factors, but if you have the attendance you surely can catch up on all else fairly quick - though if you don't maybe you should practice some more on your own before trying to be progress raider again.

Wednesday 19:45: ToS Normal clear! Thursday 19:45: ToS HC Progress start (or clean up normal incase we didnt clear wednesday). Sunday 19:45: HC Progress! Twist: if we dont get decent HC progress on THURSDAY (atleast 3-4 bosses) then i will make a special optional even for saturday for those who wants (and have very good performance) to clear HC on saturday for quicker guild progress.
Wednesday 19:45 We clear normal again (LAST NORMAL WE DO AS A GUILD ON OFFICIAL RAID DAY). Thursday 19:45 HC Sunday 19:45 HC finish + try some mythic first boss
Just to prevent confusion on the first rule to DKP, which is:
"1) You can no longer match previous bid UNLESS this matches the amount of DKP you currently have."

It means you can no longer bid the same amount of DKP for an item that someone else to trigger rolling (/roll) for an item, unless you spend all your currently available DKP.

Quh and me both have 150 dkp accumulated and an item dropped that we both want. Quh bids 40, so if I want the item I CANNOT bid 40 as well, I need to bid at least 45. We continue bidding till Quh bids all his DKP, which is 150. Because I also have 150 and I really want the item, I CAN bid 150 (because it's all DKP I currently have). Then we both /roll and whoever rolls higher wins the item.
This situation is the only one when rolling for an item will be possible (in regard of an item being on a bid).

I hope it's clear. If you have any questions, please feel free to post them here or message in-game.

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