
Sunday's logs.

Here are the Sunday's Logs we had some pretty solid tries on both Zakuun, and Velhari. These should be of more help on analyzing your performance on Zakuun as we had more pulls on him. You should especially see the reasons for why you were killed and check casts and buff uptimes and compare them to the theoretical maximums. This should generally help us progress through this tier aswell as any upcoming tiers.
For one I could have cast Holy Avenger 3 times during the better tries but instead had it delayed as a defensive cooldown. That is a dps loss of about 5k and does no bring significant boost to my survivability as I only cast my defencive cooldowns once each. These should be plenty for heavy handed / unarmed phases and could probably be used in the opener to make boss damage nonexistent until the 1st Soul Cleave.

My Sacred Shield uptime was right up the ass. 50%, that's incredibly low when 100% is possible.

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