
Zakuun polishing

I just wanted to make a small illustration of how this should work and what I see to be improved.

During this seeds phase Zakuun will smack the living shit out of anyone within 5 yards of the player he's targeting. Tanks are stacked to split this damage and I think they should be at side to avoid accidents like Yinx Chi Torpedoing through tanks and catching a melee hit. This also means that it's quite difficult to move during that phase as a tank. Naturally this also means that Zakuun would be placed between these 2 groups back facing DPS and Healer stack point.

DPS and Healers are placed to stack in what should be a safe spot from waves provided that everybody gets to their marks when exploding. From that spot it should also be easier to soak waves that are about to hit pillars. SIDE NOTE: If what I marked with orange was moved a bit to east towards the wall the waves spawning there shouldn't hit pillars. Tanks would have to adjust their positioning to this.

P.S. If you didn't do this already, move some 5 yards south when your seed explodes to avoid other waves.






I see what you mean; the healers/dps group will be between seeds and pillars to soak waves.

One issue with this is the fact that pillars may spawn all through the base/entrance line, not just in the corner. This being said, the reason we usually get them in the corners is that we have mostly ranged soakers who are closer to the bottom-right corner to soak. But it's still random :)

Now, let's assume we can force the pillars to spawn in the bottom-left corner with the same positioning/tactic that we use currently. In phase 2 (seeds phase) we would need to swap side with ranged and tanks to use this tactic. I like this idea and we should try it if we get a good chance to do so ;)

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