
3 or 4 Mythic nights? Add your thoughts!!!

I and Quh have discussed regarding all loot system opinions. What it seems like is that our goal is to stop HC raiding asap to focus more on our Mythic progression. Now the question is if we want to use 4 nights for Mythic progression or 3 nights?
I made a strawpoll to see your interest in this and if you got something to add to this please add a note below :)

What would happen if more then 50% wants to raid 4 nights mythic?





4 Until we are 13/13 then possibly down to 3? :D
Well in my opinion having 3 days of raiding would probably make more flexible and increase the attendancey as I said in the other thread. Since we already know a lot of people can't really keep on attending to 4 days a week.
I think we should stick with 3, what I've seen so far is that everyone from the group can't attend to the 3 raiding days a week. Yesterday was the first day that everybody was there and you could really tell that there was a big difference. And if we put on 4 days a week it's just wasting peoples time to show up 18:30 excpecting there to be a raid, one thing we could do is at the end of the 3rd raiding day is to make a vote if people can attend and want to raid a 4th day the next day, or another day that people can attend to. But till then we should stick with 3.





The problem with people not available for a raid night will not be fixed by reducing the number of raid nights. Removing 1 night doesnt make these raiders populate the other raid nights. The reason have been missing is because of vacations, sickness or unexpected or planner irl things that have more priority than wow. If we raid 3 nights, and some are sick/working late/on vacation/going to the movies or what ever, then we'll still be too few core raiders.

Now, i do not think we have too few players who can only raid 3 nights, we have very good core attendance on sundays. So atleast most people CAN raid 4 days, so this is more a question about if you WANT to raid 4 days. Personally i feel like there will be people against 3 days and some people against 4 days, so then i'd prefer 4 days since this gives more raid time for progress and something to do in the evenings.

Also, we are making changes to recruitment, we'll have a dedicated recruiter now focusing full time on spot recruitment. If we are missing people for raids because people stop playing wow, leave the guild, starting ro show up for raids irregularly and everything else that is bad for the raid team, then this person will bring new raid ready players into the guild.

And for those who are sick/working late/no elictricity and other unexpected things, we need reserves. For this we'll do a rotation most likely since we'll stop farming people from HC (it leans towards this looking at the other post about DKP). This means players will have some free time from wow because you HAVE TO stay out evey 4th week or so.
67% (10 people) for 3 raid nights vs. 33% (5 people) for 4 raid nights.

Majority wants 3 raid nights and I think we have to respect this.

If we only have 3 nights I believe, as people above me have said, our attendance of core raiders will increase and be almost 100% every week. This is because the ones who only can prioritize 3 raids/week (right now 10 voters) have to skip 1 raid / week, and in this case this people probably prioritize 3 different days / week which makes the attendancy more diffuse.

So if we change to 3 days / week these people can focus and prioritize these 3 specific days and we will have an almost flawless core attendancy for mythic raids which then will lead us to an Archimonde kill in a closer future than if our attendancy would stay diffuse like it is now.

I really think this would solve the problems as an entirety of 10 raiders, 50% of the raid team, have voted for 3 days / week. We could still keep the fourth day and do something fun, as these activities don't require the full core team to be available, which mythic progress does. We can do things like, RBGS, BRF Mythic, Alt runs etc. Whatever we feel like! Just to have  fun in the game we all like :)

EDIT: Entire fucking post.

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