
IMPORTANT: Loot Bidding rules change |BiS List|

BiS list for feral (crit>multi build)

Head: [Oathclaw Helm](tier) | Kormrok - OBTAINED
Neck: [Choker of the Great Betrayer] | Archimonde
Shoulders: [Oathclaw Mantle](tier) | Xhul'horac
Back: [Cloak of Desperate Temerity] | Iskar - OBTAINED
Chest: [Oathclaw Vestment](tier) | Mannoroth
Wrist: [Manacles of the Multitudes] | Zakuun
Hands: [Oathclaw Gauntlets](tier) | Socrethar - OBTAINED
Waist: [Waistwrap of Banishment] | Archimonde
Legs: [Empowered Demonskin Kilt] | Mannoroth
Feet: [Oppressor's Merciless Treads] | Tyrant Velhari
Ring: [Portal Key Signet] | Xhul'horac
Trinket 1: [Seed of Creation](tier) | Archimonde
Trinket 2: [Soul Capacitor] | Socrethar
Weapon: [Xu'tenash, Glaive of Ruin] | Mannoroth

Balance OS (Since feral is SHIT compared to balance)

Head: Oathclaw Helm (Tier) - Kormrok - Obtained
Neck: Vial of Immiscible Liquid - Xhul'horac
Shoulders: Oathclaw Mantle (Tier) - Xhul'horac
Cloak: Cloak of Hideous Unity - Fel Lord Zakuun
Chest: Oathclaw Vestment (Tier) - Mannoroth
Wrist: Manacles of the Multitudes - Fel Lord Zakuun
Hands: Felfinger Runegloves - Archimonde
Waist: Waiswrap of Banisment - Archimonde
Legs: Oathclaw Leggings (Tier) - Gorefiend
Feet: Oppressor's Merciless Treads - Tyrant Velhari
Ring: Loathful Encrusted Band - Tyrant Velhari - Obtained

Weapon 2h: Edict of Argus - Archimonde
Main Hand: Mindscythe of the Legion - Fel Lord Zakuun
Off-Hand: Thumping Demonheart Fetish - Mannoroth

Trinket 1: Desecrated Shadowmoon Insignia - Hellfire High Council - Obtained
Trinket 2: Seed of Creation (Tier) - Archimonde

"Stolen from Sif"

- Stolen from Huckel :3
Head - Tier Head (Got)
Neck - Choker of the Great Betrayer
Shoulders - Tier Shoulders
Back - Cloak of Desperate Temerity (Got)
Chest - Tunic of the Soulbinder (Got)
Wrist - Manacles of the Multitudes(Got)
Hands - Tier Hands (Got)
Waist - Waistwrap of Banishement
Legs - Tier
Feet - Oppresor's Merciless Treads 
Ring- Portal Key Signet
Trinket 1 - Tier
Trinket 2 - Soul Capacitator (Got)
Main hand - Xu 'tenash, Glaive of Ruin

Copyright© from Shiftkill
Head:        Demongaze Helm (Kormrok) - Obtained
Neck:        Corrupted Talonguard Pendant (Iskar) 
Shoulders:   Demongaze Pauldrons (Xhul'Horac)
Back:        Cloak of Incendiary Wrath (Archimonde)
Chest:       Demongaze Chestplate (Mannoroth)
Wrist:       Hot-Rolled Iron Bracers (Iron Reaver)
Hands:       Gauntlets of Derision (Tyrant Velhari) - Obtained
Waist:       Ravenous Girdle (Gorefiend)
Legs:        Demongaze Legplates (Gorefiend)
Feet:        Treads of the Defiler (Archimonde)
Ring:        Congealed Globule Loop (Kilrogg Deadeye) - Obtained
Weapon:      Hellrender (Fel Lord Zakuun) - Obtained ;)
Trinket 1:   Unending Hunger (Gorefiend)
Trinket 2:   Empty Drinking Horn (Mannoroth)
Trinket 3:   Discordant Chorus (Fel Lord Zakuun)

Trinket 4: Vial of Convulsive Shadows (Iron Maidens)
Head - Tier Head (Kormrok)	
Neck - Chocker of the great betrayer (Arhci)
Shoulders - Tier shoulders (Xhul)
Back - Cloak of Desperate Temerity (iskar)
Chest - Tier Chest (Mannoroth)
Wrist - Bracers of fel empowerment (Mannoroth)
Hands - Éredar Fel-Chain Gloves (Archi)
Waist - Torched-Brazed Waistguard (Iron Reaver)
Legs - Tier legs (Gorefiend)
Feet - Spiked Throatcrusher Boots (Tyrant Velhari)
Ring- Portal key signet (Xhul)
Trinket 1 - Malicious  Censer (Tyrant)
Trinket 2 - Mirror of the Blademaster (Council)
Main hand - Cursed Demonbone Longbow (Manno)
Off hand
Holy Priest BiS

Head: Countenance of the Revenant (Xhul'horac)
Neck: Locket of Unholy Reconstitution (Mannoroth)
Shoulders: Mantle of the Eredar Lord (Archimonde)
Back: Drape of Beckoned Souls (Socrethar)
Chest: Pious Raiment (Mannoroth)
Wrists: Powder Singed Bracers (Hellfire Assault)
Hands: Satin Gloves of Injustice (Tyrant Velhari)
Waist: Demon buckle Sash of Argus (Archimonde)
Legs: Pious Leggings (Gorefiend)
Feet: Bloody Dagger-Heeled Pumps (Fel Lord Zakuun)
Ring 1: Ring of Foul Temptation (Shadow-Lord Iskar)
Ring 2: legendary 795 (Quest)
Trinket 1: Unstable Felshadow Emulsion(Xhul'horac)
Trinket 2: Demonic Phylactery (Socrethar)
Trinket 3: Intuitions Gift (Kilrogg Deadeye) (Worst of 3)
1 Hand + off hand: Gavel of the Eredar (Archimonde) + Gibbering Madness (Gorefiend) OR
2 Hander: Voidcore Greatstaff (Xhul'horac)

(put in the 2 hander and the 1 hand offhand combo just because they differ only a bit. Almost the same though 1 hander + offhand is better at the end)



Made man


Marksman hunter BIS list:

Head:       Tier Head (Komrok)
Neck:       Choker of the great betrayer (Archimonde)
Shoulders:  Tier Shoulders (Xhul'horac)
Back:       Cloak of Desperate Temerity (Iskar)
Chest:      Tier Chest (Mannoroth)
Wrist:      Bracers of Fel Empowerment (Mannoroth)
Hands:      Eredar Fel-Chain Gloves (Archimonde)
Waist:      Girdle of the Legion General (Zakuun)
Legs:       Tier Legs (Gorefiend)
Feet:       Spiked Throatcrusher Boots (Tyrant)
Ring:       Portal Key Signet (Xhul'horac)
Weapon:     Cursed Demonbone Longbow (Mannoroth)
Trinket 1:  Malicious Censer (Tyrant)
Trinket 2:  Mirror of the Blademaster (Council)

Got none of the mythic editions atm.
Rhara copied 

Head: Demon Prince's Ascendant Crown - Archimonde
Neck: Vial of Immiscible Liquid - Xhul'horac 
Shoulder: Mantle of the Arcanic Conclave - Xhul'horac
Back: Cloak of Hideous Unity - Fel Lord Zakuun  |OBTAINED|
Chest: Robe of the Arcanic Conclave - Mannaroth
Wrist: Contemptuous Wristguards - Tyrant Velhari  |OBTAINED|
Hands: Gloves of the Arcanic Conclave - Socrethar  |OBTAINED|
Waist: Demonbuckle Sash of Argus - Archimonde
Legs: Pantaloons of the Arcanic Conclave - Gorefiend  
Feet: Bloody Dagger-Heeled Pumps - Fel Lord Zakuun  |OBTAINED|
Ring1: Legendary Ring 
Ring2: Loathful Encrusted Band - Tyrant Velhari 
Trinket1: Tome of Shifting Words - Archimonde
Trinket2: Unblinking Gaze of Sethe - Iskar  |OBTAINED|
Trinket3: Prophecy of Fear - Mannaroth 

Weapon: Voidcore Greatstaff - Xhul'horac
Helmet 	Demongaze Helm 	Kormrok
Neck 	Corrupted Talonguard Pendant 	Shadow-Lord Iskar
Shoulder 	Demongaze Pauldrons 	Xhul'horac
Cloak 	Cloak of Incendiary Wrath 	Archimonde
Chest 	Demongaze Chestplate 	Mannoroth
Bracer 	Hot-Rolled Iron Bracers 	Iron Reaver
Gloves 	Gauntlets of Derision 	Tyrant Velhari
Waist 	Ravenous Girdle 	Gorefiend
Legs 	Demongaze Legplates 	Gorefiend
Boots 	Treads of the Defiler 	Archimonde
Ring 	Thorasus, the Stone Heart of Draenor 	Legendary Questline
Ring 	Congealed Globule Loop 	Kilrogg Deadeye
Weapon 	Hellrender 	Zakuun
Trinket 	Discordant Chorus 	Zakuun
Trinket 	Unending Hunger 	Gorefiend
Vial of Convulsive Shadows (Iron Maidens)
Helmet - Demon Prince's Ascendent Crown - (Archimonde)
Necklace - Vial of Immiscible Liquid - OBTAINED
Shoulders - Pious Mantle - Xhul'horac
Cloak - Cloak of Hideous Unity - OBTAINED
Chest - Pious Raiment - Mannaroth
Bracers - Contemptuous Wristguards - Tyrant Velhari
Gloves - Pious Gloves - Socrethar
Waist - Demonbuckle Sash of Argus - Archimonde
Legs - Pious Leggings - Gorefiend
Feet - Bloody Dagger-Heeled Pumps - Fel Lord Zakuun
Ring - Loathful Encrusted Band - Tyrant Velhari
Trinket - Repudiation of War - Archimonde
Trinket - Darkmoon Shadowmoon Insignia - OBTAINED
Trinket - Unblinking Gaze of Sethe - OBTAINED
Weapon - Fallen Warlord's Mindcarver - OBTAINED
Off-hand - Thumping Demonheart Fetish - Mannoroth
Weapon - Edict of Argus - Archimonde
Helmet - felblade hood - Kormrok
Necklace - Choker of the Great Betrayer - Archimonde
Shoulders - Felblade Spaulders	Xhul'horac
Cloak - Windswept Wanderer's Drape	Blademaster Jubei'thos
Chest - Tunic of the Soulbinder	Soulbound Construct -OBTAINED
Bracers - Bloodcult Bracers Kilrogg Deadeye -OBTAINED
Gloves - Felblade Gloves Soulbound Construct
Waist - Waistwrap of Banishment	Archimonde
Legs - Felblade Leggings	Gorefiend
Feet - 	Jungle Assassin's Footpads	Corrupted Talonpriest
Ring - 	Portal Key Signet	Xhul'horac
Trinket - Blade master - Council
Trinket - Bleeding hollow - Archimonde
Trinket - Soul cap - Soulbound construct
Weapon - Fang of the Pit	Mannoroth
Off-hand - Fang of the Pit	Mannoroth
Head: -
Neck: Chain of Lidless Eyes | Fel Lord Zakuun
Shoulders: Tier | Xhul'horac
Back: Cloak of Tangible Dread | Mannoroth
Chest: Tier | Mannoroth
Wrist: Chain Wristguards of the Stricken | Socrethar
Hands: Tier | Socrethar
Waist: Girdle of the Legion General | Fel Lord Zakuun
Legs: Haughty Chain Legguards  | Tyrant Velhari
Feet: Surefooted Chain Treads | Iskar
Ring: Serrated Demontooth Ring | Gorefiend
Trinket 1: Tier | Archimonde
Trinket 2: Soul Capacitor | Socrethar
Weapon: Demonblade Eviscerator x2 | Fel Lord Zakuun
OBS!!! Remember to contact Burns in-game if you change something in your BiS list or it won't change. Thanks for all the help everyone!
Head :  [Mask of the Hurricane's Eye] (Kormrok) Tier
Neck : [Choker of the Great Betrayer] (Archimonde) 
Shoulder :  [Mantle of the Hurricane's Eye] (Xhul) Tier
Back :  [Cloak of Desperate Temerity] (Iskar) /  [Forward Observer's Camouflage Cloak] (Hellfire Assault)
Chest : [Tunic of the Soulbinder] (Socrethar) 
Wrist : [Bloodcult Bracers] (Kilrogg)
Hands : [Fistwraps of the Hurricane's Eye] (Socrethar) Tier
Waist :  [Flayed Demonskin Belt] (BoE) /  [Waistwrap of Banishment] (Archimonde)
Legs : [Legwraps of the Hurricane's Eye] (Gorefiend) Tier
Feet :  Obtained
Ring :  [Portal Key Signet] (Xhul)
2h Weapon : [Xu'tenash, Glaive of Ruin] (Mannoroth)
1h Weapons : [Hammer of wickled infusion] x2 (Xhul horac)
Trinket 1 :  [Sacred Draenic Incense] (Archimonde) Class trink
Trinket 2 :  [Mirror of the Blademaster] (Council) /  [Soul Capacitor] (Socrethar)
My bis for ret ;)
Main Hand
Calamity's Edge
Helm of the Ceaseless Vigil
Choker of Sneering Superiority
Shoulderplates of the Ceaseless Vigil
Cloak of Incendiary Wrath
Cuirass of the Ceaseless Vigil
Breach-Scarred Wristplates
Gauntlets of the Ceaseless Vigil
Annihilan's Waistplate
Greaves of the Ceaseless Vigil
Treads of the Defiler
Loop of Beckoned Shadows
Trinket 1
Empty Drinking Horn
Trinket 2
Libram of Vindication
Trinket 3
Discordant Chorus


Head: Demon Prince's Ascendant Crown - Archimonde
Neck: Vial of Immiscible Liquid - Xhul'horac |OBTAINED|
Shoulder: Mantle of the Arcanic Conclave - Xhul'horac
Back: Cloak of Hideous Unity - Fel Lord Zakuun
Chest: Robe of the Arcanic Conclave - Mannaroth
Wrist: Contemptuous Wristguards - Tyrant Velhari
Hands: Gloves of the Arcanic Conclave - Socrethar |OBTAINED|
Waist: Demonbuckle Sash of Argu - Archimonde
Legs: Pantaloons of the Arcanic Conclave - Gorefiend |OBTAINED|
Feet: Bloody Dagger-Heeled Pumps - Fel Lord Zakuun
Ring2: Loathful Encrusted Band - Tyrant Velhari |OBTAINED|
Trinket1: Tome of Shifting Words - Archimonde
Trinket2: Unblinking Gaze of Sethe - Iskar |OBTAINED|
Trinket3: Prophecy of Fear - Mannaroth (for arcane mostly, but burns offers 3 choices)

Weapon: Voidcore Greatstaff - Xhul'horac

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